In times of emergency, you truly do not know the value of something until it is the difference between life and death.
This is a lesson that two separate Ottawa ice rinks have learned over the last few weeks.
Carleton University’s Ice House and the University of Ottawa both saw players go into cardiac arrest this past month according to CBC News.
Fortunately for both rinks there were strategically equipped with AEDs that allowed both players to be saved.
An automated external defibrillator (AED) is an apparatus used to restore a normal heartbeat by applying an electric current to the chest wall or heart.
The devices, which cost around $1,500 a piece, have saved 120 lives in Ottawa since they were installed at numerous location around the city in 2001.
The devices have been similarly heroic in the United States, with high school athletes being saved each school year thanks to the presence of an AED.
With the proof that these devices save lives in athletic facilities, it is important to have one long before you are ever in a position to have to use it.
USA Football’s Grant Program allows for school to apply for an AED, in partnership with Physio-Control.
This device may sit on the wall of your facilities for most of its existence, but the second it becomes necessary, you will be happy it’s in arm’s reach.