USA Football launches Prep for the Season campaign

By Stephen Spiewak | Posted 5/1/2017

School is wrapping up. The days are getting longer. The weather is turning.

It’s almost football season.

Before long, the smell of freshly cut grass and the sound of pads popping will fill communities across the country.

But before the bright lights shine on America’s game, there’s a myriad items that teams, coaches, parents and administrators need to check off the proverbial To Do list to make sure that, when the season arrives, everyone can focus on the action between the sidelines.

Enter USA Football’s Prep for the Season campaign.

For the 2017 season, USA Football is teaming up with partners across the sport to help ready everyone involved for the upcoming year on the gridiron.

Prep for the Season will connect coaches, parents and players with valuable information, services and special offers to meet a variety of preseason needs, including:

  • Fundraising
  • Equipment
  • Coaching tools
  • Nutrition and safety

Be on the lookout for an email coming soon or click here to learn more.
