Coach and Coordinator podcast: Brent Dearmon (5/1/17)

By Stephen Spiewak | Posted 5/1/2017
Brent Dearmon is today’s guest on the USA Football Coach and Coordinator podcast. Dearmon is the offense coordinator at Arkansas Tech, by way of Auburn, where he coached under Gus Malzahn. Prior to coaching at Auburn, Dearmon was a high school football coach in Alabama. He discusses the transition to college football and all things RPO.
Show notes
- 1:03 Start as a football coach and the jump to the college ranks
- 2:32 Job at Auburn
- 3:31 Prepared yourself for opportunity to coach college
- 5:01 Transition to Arkansas Tech
- 6:51 Getting players to buy in
- 9:24 Building one message on top of the other
- 10:29 Inspiration from Urban Meyer
- 11:59 Approach to practice
- 13:50 Teaching at a fast pace
- 17:21 Nuts and bolts of Dearmon’s offense
- 19:15 Go-to RPO play
- 21:51 What to do to win third-and-long
- 23:57 Preparing players for RPO
- 26:07 Mistake as young coach
- 29:49 Work-life balance
- 31:16 Two-minute drill
- 33:20 Winning edge
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