Welcome to Ask the Official, a weekly blog series from USA Football. We’ve teamed up with Bill LeMonnier, USA Football rules editor, who’s served as a college football referee and also works with ESPN as a rules analyst. Look for LeMonnier’s blog every week during football season, as we take reader-submitted questions or revisit a controversial play that took place the previous weekend. See below for information on how to submit your questions. Here’s this week’s topic:
Q: Are you required to use a tee on kickoffs? An official told me it’s illegal to kick off the ground.
A: There is nothing in the rule book that requires a kicking tee to be used on free kicks. That said, if a team opts to use a kicking tee, the tee may not elevate the ball more than 2 inches.
Punts are not permitted on free kicks unless it is a free kick after a safety. Following a safety, the free kick may be from the ground or by a punter. Free kicks to start either half or following a score must be a place kick from the ground ... tee or no tee.
USA Football Rules Editor Bill LeMonnier is a former college referee who currently serves as an ESPN NCAA rules analyst. Click here to ask Bill a question. Make sure to put “Ask the Official” in the subject line.