[PODCAST] Play of the Week: Chris Thompson, Washington Redskins

By Keith Grabowski | Posted 9/27/2017
(Photo via redskins.com)
The “Movement Myagi,” Shawn Myszka, joins Keith Grabowski on the Coach and Coordinator Podcast for a weekly segment highlighting an NFL play of the week from a functional movement perspective. Myszka discusses the play from a perspective of what movements the player performed and then extracts and gives tips for coaches to allow them to make their players better in game situations. Keith adds the football coach’s perspective in how those suggestions fit into practice.
Show notes
- 2:00 Looking at the play through a different lens
- 2:18 Washington Redskins’ Chris Thompson about to be a breakout star
- 2:40 Comparison to Percy Harvin
- 3:12 The play: late third quarter, 3rd & 19
- 3:38 Just get the ball to the most dynamic player in space
- 7:22 What can we learn from this play
- 7:38 How to surf along the acceleration-to-deceleration continuum
- 9:28 Training acceleration from different body positions
- 10:47 Changing acceleration in context to accumulate repetitions
- 11:40 working on game application
- 11:50 Using skill sets as part of strategy
- 12:20 Drilling plays without contact
- 12:55 Screen drill
- 13:16 Simulation in smaller area and less of a run
- 14:38 How do you deal with a defender who has an angle?
Watch Thompson's play here.
Connect with Shawn Myszka on Twitter @movementmyagi and see his breakdown at footballbeyondthestats.wordpress.com/
Subscribe to the USA Football Coach and Coordinator podcast on iTunes.