Ask the Official: Can you punt twice on the same play?

By Adam Wire | Posted 10/16/2017

Welcome to Ask the Official, a weekly blog series from USA Football. We’ve teamed up with Bill LeMonnier, USA Football rules editor, who’s served as a college football referee and also works with ESPN as a rules analyst. Look for LeMonnier’s blog every week during football season, as we take reader-submitted questions or revisit a controversial play that took place the previous weekend. See below for information on how to submit your questions. Here’s today’s topic:

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Q: If a punt is blocked, then the kicking team recovers, can they punt it a second time? This actually occurred in a high school game in Montana. The officials did not call a penalty.

A: "If the ball stays behind the line of scrimmage, the punting team can recover and legally punt the ball again. They could also try to run for a first down. The punt just needs to be a legal punt by rule."

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USA Football Rules Editor Bill LeMonnier is a former college referee who currently serves as an ESPN NCAA rules analyst. Click here to ask Bill a question. Make sure to put “Ask the Official” in the subject line.
