8 reasons for the football parent to be thankful

By Jackie Bledsoe Jr. | Posted 11/23/2017

Happy Thanksgiving to all the football dads, football moms and football players. Although commercialism has long been trying to take over Thanksgiving and the wonderful family traditions that come with it, we thought we could put it on hold for one more day while we count our blessings and enjoy some football.

You probably have some family traditions you do each year on Thanksgiving Day. As a football fan, football parent and/or football player, some of your traditions probably involve football.

No matter what your traditions are, I'm sure you have a lot to be thankful for. Here are seven things the football dad has to be thankful for. Some are serious; others are not so serious. Enjoy them, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family!

RELATED CONTENT: The annual Turkey Bowl football game – a tradition like none other

  1. The Detroit Lions and Dallas Cowboys. When I was growing up, the Lions and Cowboys were the only games on Thanksgiving Day, which I loved because I was a huge Dallas Cowboys fan as kid. With everything closed (unlike today) and not much going on, you could get bored. The NFL gave us football on Thanksgiving to help us.
  2. More than the Lions and Cowboys. Today, the NFL has given us more. Not only do we still have the traditional Lions and Cowboys games, we get one more game Thanksgiving night. Football all day!
  3. Two-hand touch football. Depending upon the weather, I'm sure my boys and I will find ourselves outside playing football. I can remember playing this with my cousins when all of our family got together.
  4. NFL FLAG Football leagues. My son played in his first youth football league last year, and this year my youngest son played in his first league. His very first football coach was Super Bowl champion Rosevelt Colvin. That is cool!
  5. Heads Up Football program. USA Football's program is making football better for all who play the game. Athletes have gotten bigger, faster and stronger, and Heads Up Football is striving to make the game safer.
  6. Youth football leagues. My sons don't play tackle football, but if they choose tackle football, there will be a league waiting for them. Thousands of youth leagues across the nation have made the commitment to Heads Up Football, which may help ease any safety concerns. 
  7. USAFootball.com. USA Football has created an amazing, free resource for players, coaches, parents and football fans everywhere to experience and learn more about this wonderful game we call America's Game. As a football dad, I am thankful for it as it is very helpful to me and my football playing sons.
  8. Rookie Tackle. This pilot program, which serves as a bridge game between flag football and 11-player tackle, gives youth football players and their parents another option to learn and enjoy the game.

Football parents and fans: What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?

RELATED CONTENT: Thanksgiving is a chance to reconnect with family, often over a shared love of football

This is an updated version of a blog that originally posted Nov. 24, 2015.
