9 foods that hinder an athlete’s performance

By Janis Meredith | Posted 10/20/2014
Your son works hard to prepare for games. But all that can be for naught if he is not putting the right foods into his body. Some foods can hinder his performance.
Avoid these foods when competing:
- Energy drinks contain caffeine and other stimulants that put stress on the heart in addition to the stress an athlete puts on his heart during competition. In fact, it is a good idea to avoid caffeine altogether when in season.
- Fried and fatty foods take a long time to digest, which can leave an athlete feeling drowsy and stomach-heavy. Avoid fatty meats and foods such as creamy sauces, dressings and mayonnaise. They also take a long time to digest.
- Sugary foods should be avoided before a sports performance because they can cause your blood sugar level to drop, which can lead to fatigue.
- Soft drinks/fizzy foods contain lactic acid that builds up in muscles and contributes to muscle soreness. They also can cause dehydration, and the sugar is burned quickly, leading to an energy crash. In addition, fizzy drinks can lead to gastric problems when consumed before or after engaging in any kind of sports activity.
- High fiber foods are hard to break down and need time to digest. If consumed before a sport or exercise, they can lead to stomach or muscle cramps. Foods with a high fiber content include fruits and vegetables with peels (apples, beans, lentils, apricots and prunes). These should be avoided or at least peeled before eating.
- Processed foods and refined white flour have more empty calories. Athletes should avoid them and instead eat food with nutritious benefits.
- High salt foods can cause the body’s metabolism to change, which could impair healing. Although we lose sodium when we sweat, excess salt is not good. The average American is consuming 40 times more salt than needed.
- Alcohol has a depressant effect on the body and is a powerful diuretic, meaning it leaves a person dehydrated. Both of these things have effects on athletic performance.
- Milk may do a body good but not right before a sports event. Lactose, the natural sugar found in milk and milk-based products, can be hard for some athletes to digest, resulting in gas, bloating, indigestion and upset stomach.
Your son’s pregame diet plans should involve packing in the carbohydrates and protein. Elite Athlete Training Services (eliteathletetraining.com) reminds athletes that a balanced diet consists of 60 to 65 percent carbohydrates, 15 to 20 percent fat and 10 to 15 percent protein.
Before games, choose foods that are easy to digest with lots of complex carbohydrates and lean protein supply. This is just what your young athlete needs to work harder, longer and more efficiently.
Janis B. Meredith, sports mom and coach's wife, writes a sports parenting blog called JBM Thinks. She authored the Sports Parenting Survival Guide Series and has recently launched a podcasting series for sports parents. You can also find her on Facebook and Twitter.