[Podcast] Texas High School Football Chat - Chris Fischer

By Keith Grabowski | Posted 2/21/2019

Show Notes:

Today on the Coach and Coordinator podcast, Keith Grabowski is joined by Chris Fischer, creator of the Texas High School Football Chat forum. Texas High School Football Chat, better known on Twitter as #txhsfbchat, began on Jan. 14, 2015, with the mission of being the first opportunity to connect Texas high school football coaches on Twitter in order to learn from each other and expand their professional learning network.

01:05 Coach Fischer’s coaching journey

03:23 Lessons learned as a coach

04:55 How the Texas High School Football Chat came to life

07:55 Coming up with questions for the chat

09:38 Using the chat for answers

11:19 Some of Coach Fischer’s favorite chats

13:03 When is the chat?

13:50 Topics focused on in season

14:58 Evolution of the chat

17:00 What made the Twitter platform popular for coaches?

19:42 Best advice for coaches on Twitter

21:32 Buffer

22:40 Moderate a chat blog

23:44 Where to store all the archived chats?

25:42 What can coaches look forward to in the Texas High School Football Chat?

28:00 Your Call

28:55 Connect with coach:


Website: txhsfbchat.com


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