Sometimes we have to miss youth sports games – whether it’s a child not playing or a parent not watching. Unless illness or injury is involved, the missed game is usually due to another commitment.
The commitments might be important birthday parties, a school dance or any of a number of other personal, family or social reasons. And sometimes, those commitments teach a child just that – the importance of honoring a commitment.
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Last week my son had two games scheduled to tip off at the same time – the only time it happened the entire season. For a variety of good reasons, he chose to play for the team on which I wasn’t the assistant coach. While he tipped off in one gym, I sat on the team bench in another.
I don’t ever like missing my kids’ games. I have many stories relating to catching flights home early from business trips, taking personal days from work and skipping rounds of golf just so I can watch my kids play. So why was I missing a game that took place less than 5 miles from where I was coaching? Because I had committed to being an assistant coach on the other team.
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In my eyes, that commitment means being a coach when I can, even if my own son isn’t playing for any reason. Earlier this season, I went to a Friday night practice that he couldn’t attend due to illness. Why? Because I was still committed to help coach that team.
When my son asked why I wouldn’t be at this recent game, I explained that even though his commitment to that team as a player ended at the conclusion of the regular season, I felt strongly that my obligation as an assistant coach included the end-of-season tournament that was added on at the last minute as a bonus for the players.
The good news is both teams won. The better news is both my boys learned a little bit more about what the word “commitment” means. It was a win-win type of day.
Jon Buzby has been involved in and writing about youth sports for the past 30 years with perspectives as a parent, coach and board member. Jon is an award-winning writer and his latest book, “Coaching Kids Made Easier,” is available on Amazon. Send comments or future blog topics you'd like to see to and follow him @YouthSportsBuzz on Twitter.