Youth Sports Photography Tips for Parents

By Vanessa Mejia | Posted 3/21/2019
Let me first start off by saying that I am by NO means a professional, just a mom who likes taking pictures of her kids when they're playing sports. And seriously, when aren't they playing sports?! In fact, I'm known to post photos on Instagram with a #mamarazzi tag, ha!
Interested in photographing your youth athlete? Here are my best tips:
- Invest in a good camera. Cell phone cameras just do not compare to DSLRs. I currently shoot with a Canon T3i. It’s even better if you can invest in a longer-range lens, especially for when you're shooting from the stands!
- Use a fast shutter speed. I wish I could shoot in manual, but I'm just not there yet. I shoot in Sports Mode because it selects the shutter speed, auto focuses and takes continuous shots. This ensures that you get quality pictures of each and every play.
- Get up close to the action. Obviously not all sports will allow you to do this, but when you can, do it. The closer you are, the more personal the story in each photograph that you get. Facial expressions are everything!
- Know the game. Will the players be running towards you or away from you? Will they switch sides at halftime? Knowing and anticipating what will happen next are crucial so you can make sure you’re in the best spot to capture everything.
- Photograph the entire story. Don't forget to snap pictures of them warming up, taking a water break, high fiving their teammates after a great play, walking off the field or court post-game. Photographing the fans is also something I like to do as their faces tell some great stories!
- Take a ton of pictures. Hundreds, even thousands. This is probably my number one tip, especially for amateurs like myself. You're bound to get at least one amazing shot if you cover everything.
- Practice makes perfect. Don't get discouraged if you don't get it right the first time. Just shoot, shoot, shoot. Your player – and their team – will thank you later. I promise!
I hope these tips help you jump into photography if that’s something you’re interested in. Click away, sports parents. Get your mamarazzi on!
Vanessa Mejia is the mother of three football-playing boys, ages 15, 13 and 10, and lives in northern Virginia. Her boys also play basketball, soccer and track and field. Her husband coaches football in the Fairfax County Youth Football League. She shares Team Mom ideas, tips and tricks along with other facets of her family’s life away from the football field. Read more of her work at and also be sure to join her and hundreds of other football loving moms in the Confessions of a Sports Mama Facebook Group!