The upcoming Labor Day holiday signals the official end to summer, regardless of what the outdoor thermometer may read.
After spending last weekend at an away tournament and seeing players’ siblings sacrifice their time at home to be away for a sport they’re not even playing, it dawned on me that they deserve their own kind of “tournament time.”
With this upcoming holiday weekend comes three vacation days, probably at least one of which is completely free for your family. Why not let the free day’s activities be decided by the child in your family impacted by their siblings’ sports the most?
Depending on the age of the child, it could be as simple as a quick family trip to the local playground before a toddler’s nap time. It’s a gesture that would make them feel like, finally – and probably for the final time for a while – their interests are being put first. Don’t forget, all of the siblings have to make this “trip” and spectate or participate, just like the celebrated child does for them.
If it’s an older child who loves to fish more than playing youth sports, the family could picnic at a local park that has a pond loaded with fish. The same can be figured out for a non-fishing activity, as long as it’s a favorite hobby of the “chosen child” of the day.
It might also be a “staycation,” allowing the non-sports child to say home and just be a kid in the neighborhood from dawn to dusk.
Not every child likes youth sports, but they all like getting attention. For your children in youth sports that weekend attention comes naturally and often. Why not use this holiday to make one of the days a memorable one for the child who doesn’t play on a field but is a mainstay in the bleachers. Let them be the “star” of their own tournament, even if it’s just for the day.
Jon Buzby has been involved in and writing about youth sports for the past 30 years with perspectives as a parent, coach and board member. Jon is an award-winning writer and his latest book, “Coaching Kids Made Easier,” is available on Amazon. Send comments or future blog topics you'd like to see to and follow him @YouthSportsBuzz on Twitter.