Crucial Catch: Intercept Cancer

By Crucial Catch | Posted 10/11/2019

Since 2009, the National Football League and the American Cancer Society (ACS) have teamed up in the fight against cancer.

Each year, youth and high school teams from across the country have done their part to raise funds and help the NFL in these efforts.

You can join us!  Unite with the NFL and join Youth Crucial Catch to raise funds to fight cancer.

Don’t sit on the bench.

Click here to sign up for Youth Crucial Catch.

ACS supporter and NFL star, Drew Brees, wants you to get in the game. Join Drew and official Youth Crucial Catch ambassador, Kurt Warner and sign up to join Youth Crucial Catch!

Click here for a message from Drew Brees.

Click here for a message from Kurt Warner.

To find out more ways to join us and make a Crucial Catch today, visit
