For the record, it must be stated that sometimes quitting is the best choice for multiple reasons. For example, when a person’s health and well-being are at stake, quitting is probably the wisest option.
But in the world of youth sports, it seems like quitting has become the default when faced with obstacles like lack of playing time, not playing the position your child wants, or disagreement with the team’s game strategy.
Let’s put aside the necessary reasons for quitting that your child might face—the ones that are for health and safety—and focus on why NOT quitting should be the option for your child when it comes to other obstacles they face.
In 21 years of being a sports parent, and in the years since as I’ve watched my children become adults in their 20s and 30s, I’ve been so glad that they learned the very hard lessons of NOT quitting when they were younger.
Here’s why those lessons are good for your kids:
Not quitting teaches kids to keep working even when things get hard. To persist and push even when there are no immediate results.
Not quitting teaches kids to focus on something they are passionate about. Passions build when kids stick with something long enough to let it become a passion.
Not quitting builds confidence. Something happens to kids who stick with it and grow stronger: their confidence gets a huge boost.
Not quitting teaches kids to be picky about what they DO commit to. It’s always good for a child to consider the cost before committing.
Not quitting teaches kids the importance of commitment. Commitment is a value many businesses look for and is hugely important in relationships.
Not quitting teaches kids to be trustworthy. Can your child’s word be trusted? If they learn the value of keeping their word when they are young, they will be people of their word when they grow up.
I’ve seen every one of these reasons flesh out in my three grown kids. In their jobs, their relationships, their marriages, and their own personal challenges. The going has been very tough for all three in different areas of their lives, but learning NOT to quit when things get hard was a lesson they learned early in life that has stood the test of time.
Janis Meredith is a family life coach who wants to help all parents raise champions. You can find out more at