The Importance of Remaining Positive

By Jon Buzby | Posted 8/7/2020

If you ever wonder if kids form opinions based on what they hear at home, just think back to when you last heard a child under 10 years of age declare, “Trump is an awful president.” Or, “Trump is great.”

They don’t get that information from CNN or any other news channels. They get it from listening to discussions among adults – starting with their parents.

As decisions are being made about school and football in the fall, it’s vital that conversations parents have with others reinforce that while it might not be a popular decision, it was the best one given the situation.

Comments with a spouse, coach or friend should remain positive – regardless of true feelings. Especially when there are little ears in range.

Some suggested comments to your child if the season is postponed or canceled include:

  • “The league wants you to stay healthy and safe so that you can get to play football again once this pandemic is over.”
  • “Instead of being upset about it, let’s figure out ways you can still get better as a player, and maybe safely include your teammates, too!”
  • “It’s not just you who is missing out on football, it’s also your teammates. Why don’t you talk to them about ways you guys can all get through this together?”
  • “I know you’re disappointed, but remember, this isn’t the end of football. It’s just a delay getting back on the field. Think about all the kids who don’t even get a chance to play football, pandemic or not.”
  • “High school and college teams are also skipping the season, and that shows you just how important it is that your team doesn’t play. It’s what’s best for the health and safety of everyone involved.


I’m not naïve enough to think any of these quotes are going to instantly put a smile on your child’s face. But they will portray a positive outlook on the situation from the people they rely on most to form their opinion – YOU, their parents.   

Stay safe and healthy.

Jon Buzby has been involved in and writing about youth sports for the past 30 years with perspectives as a parent, coach and board member. Jon is an award-winning writer and his latest book, “Coaching Kids Made Easier,” is available on Amazon. Send comments or future blog topics you'd like to see to and follow him @YouthSportsBuzz on Twitter


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