Is your child trying to make a team? Win a certain starting position? Are they frustrated because they feel as if their coach is not really seeing them?
Here are some suggestions to help your child get on the coach’s radar:
Be on time. Better yet, be early to practice and to the game. Your child should not be remembered as the kid who is always late.
Ask questions. Most coaches like kids who are teachable and aren’t afraid to ask when they don’t understand. Teach your kids to speak up!
Give 100%. A coach notices kids who give their all. My husband, who’s coached high school sports for 31 years, says he’d rather have a team full of kids with mediocre skill and lots of hustle than kids who are skilled with not much heart.
Treat coaches, teammates and officials with respect. Athletes can do this by listening when the coach is talking, not arguing with refs, and by treating teammates with courtesy.
Follow directions. Kids who listen and then actually do what the coach says, show eagerness to learn and improve show they are coachable. Every coach appreciates this trait.
Have a positive attitude. Athletes who encourage teammates when they make mistakes and acknowledge when they make a good play display a team spirit that will not go unnoticed.
Step up and lead. Team captains are not the only leaders in youth sports. To lead means to influence and positive influencers are a boost to any team.
Put in the extra work. If your child is competing for a position or even to be on the team, putting in extra work may be the deciding factor. Even if the coach does not see your child doing that work, they will see the results.
Study the game. The more your child understands and knows the game, the better they will play as it becomes ingrained in them. When an athlete puts in the extra time to study the game, it shows.
Show confidence. If your child does not feel confident in themselves, how can they expect the coach to? Although coaches should do their best to believe in kids because it will help them up their game, when they coach an athlete that has a level of confidence—without cockiness—in themselves, they take notice.
These tips are not magic pills. They are more like seeds that must be planted and watered. Rarely are there overnight successes in sports. Persistence and consistency will water those seeds and soon enough, the result will be noticed by coaches and teammates alike.
Janis Meredith is a family life coach who wants to help all parents raise champions. You can find out more at