Tips for Saving for the Season

By Meredith Ketzler | Posted 11/24/2020

It’s no secret that playing any youth sport comes with a price tag. Some are bigger than others. No matter which sport your child chooses to play, there are ways to save before and during the season.

According to The Aspen Institute Project Play survey in August 2019, the average family will spend about $485 annually for a tackle football season and $268 for a flag season. This encompasses registration fees, equipment, travel, camps and lessons.

Average Annual Family Spending on One Child

Depending on whether you fall on the higher end of the spectrum or lower, there are ways to help save money along the way.

Rent Equipment. Kids grow like weeds. That means they will quickly grow out their shoes and clothes. Therefore, we recommend looking into rental options. Ask your league what equipment options are available, so you don’t have to buy new shoulder pads each season.

Buy Lightly Used. Take advantage of sites like eBay, Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist*. Make sure the equipment is in good condition and not rundown. Whether your child uses an older sibling’s hand-me-downs or someone else, they will do the trick and save you save money. *Use these platforms to sell equipment you bought from previous seasons your athlete grew out of.

Use USA Football Credit Card with Commerce Bank. Every swipe gets you rewards. Use it when purchasing equipment, gas for away games, food for half-time snacks and anything else you need to make the season a success. This card saves you money on everyday purchases and gets your athletes everything needed for a great season. Already in season? No problem. Apply online to start saving.

What’s your money-saving game plan?
