One size doesn’t fit all for an offensive lineman’s stance

By LeCharles Bentley | Posted 7/14/2016

Youth football coaches have a magnificent advantage when it comes to developing offensive linemen.

No bad habits.

Now your job as a coach is to not give them any.

That starts with finding a comfortable stance for each player.

Notice I didn’t say “proper” stance. I said “comfortable.” Too many coaches teach all of their linemen to stand should-width apart and progress from there.

Just as every person is different, every stance will be different. Take the time to find where each player is naturally strongest and set that as the base.

From there all things will follow. Watch the video below to learn more.

LeCharles Bentley is a former Pro Bowl center and guard who played six seasons with the New Orleans Saints and Cleveland Browns. Certified in strength and conditioning, sports nutrition, functional movement systems, fascial stretch therapy and Olympic weightlifting, he operates LeCharles Bentley O-Line Performancein Chandler, Ariz., and is Nike’s lead offensive line performance coach.
