It is extremely important for administrators and coaches to set expectations early with parents and athletes. By laying out the rules and expectations before the season or school year starts, you’re able to allow everyone to participate in creating the culture your organization desires. Below are samples of parent, athlete and coaches pledges an administrator or league president can use to set culture expectations.
Parent Pledge: A school or organization that’s dedicated to creating a positive youth sports experience must make sure the team parents are on the same page. This means fully integrating them into the cultural standards that you’re trying to set as a youth sport organization leader, administrator or coach. Not only do parents play an integral role on the sidelines, but they can also help reinforce cultural norms at home with the athletes.
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Student-Athlete Pledges:
Triple-Impact Competitor Pledge – This pledge is for athletes to fill out and sign, to keep them and their coaches mindful of commitments to pursuing individual and team goals, filling teammates' emotional tanks and honoring the game.
Off Season Triple-Impact Competitor Pledge - Being a Triple-Impact Competitor doesn't stop when your sports season ends, which is why we created this offseason pledge for coaches and athletes to use. The printable form is for athletes to fill out and sign, to keep them and their coaches mindful of commitments to make themselves better, make teammates and classmates better, and make your community as a whole better, even with time away from sports in the offseason.
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Social Media Agreement – With the help of PCA’s National Student Athlete Advisory Board, we have created a social media agreement. This is another tool you can use with your team to guide your discussion around social media and to get confirmation that they’ll agree to these policies. Remind them that you created these policies in the best interest of the individual athletes and to preserve team rules.
Coaches Checklist: Double-Goal Coaches focus on the scoreboard and on life lessons by using the endless procession of teachable moments that sports offers. This includes simple but powerful things you can do to have a lifetime impact on your athletes as a Double-Goal Coach®.
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These templates can get your organization started. Please include any rules and expectations that are unique to your club or team when creating your own pledges.
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