How the Superior (Wisconsin) High School football team made special needs kids feel like champions

By Kailey Harmon | Posted 8/3/2018

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One of the best things about football? It’s a game for everyone. With that in mind, the Superior (Wisconsin) High School football team invited kids with disabilities to join them on the field for their inaugural Superior Spartan Football Champions Camp.

Head coach Bob De Meyer and his team started the camp to give children with special needs a chance to learn skills and play a game they typically wouldn’t be involved in otherwise.

“We’ve got seven stations set up with different football related skills and activities at each station. We’ve got a picture with Sparty our mascot. Just a lot of fun activities,” De Meyer told

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The players were highly involved, cheering on the kids during drills and celebrating with them after. Running back Conner Fonger said the focus was on making sure the kids were having fun.

“I’m looking for kids to have fun. I mean, we put together a great thing here. It doesn’t really matter what the numbers are we’re going to try to go out there and make the kids have fun.” Fonger said.

The camp wasn’t limited to kids in the Superior area. De Meyer and his players were welcome to having as many people as they could.

“It doesn’t matter if you’re from the Twin Ports area or from somewhere down south. Wherever they come from, they’re going to come here and expect to have a good time. It’ll be a learning experience for our kids, for the participants, parents. We’re just looking forward to having a good time together,” De Meyer said.

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Superior’s special education teacher Paige Gilbertson was also present for the event. Gilbertson told Fox 21 News it was nice to see the players include the kids and make them feel part of a family.

“It’s really awesome to get to do what I do for a living and get more of the kids that I’ve worked with part of a bigger group, a bigger family, a bigger community. So it was super cool to know that we can do something to help these students become part of something bigger,” Gilbertson said.

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